Risk Algorithms and Self-Management of Care in Older Adults
In this episode, Dr. Connie Schumacher, Assistant Professor of Nursing at Brock University and an AMS fellow in compassionate AI, and Dr. Andrew Costa, Associate Professor at McMaster University and the Research Director at the St. Joseph’s Health System Center for Integrative Care in Hamilton and Connie’s mentor, discuss Connie’s research on compassion centered communication of risk and self administered online health assessments.
St. Joseph’s Center for Integrated Care – Centre for Integrated Care (stjoescic.ca)
YourCare+ Check-Up Assessment – YourCare+ (yourcareplus.ca)
Schumacher, C., Dash, D., Mowbray, F., Klea, L., & Costa, A. (2021). A qualitative study of home care client and caregiver experiences with a complex cardio-respiratory management model. BMC geriatrics, 21(1), 1-11.
Costa, A. P., Schumacher, C., Jones, A., Dash, D., Campbell, G., Junek, M., … & Haughton, D. (2019). DIVERT-Collaboration Action Research and Evaluation (CARE) Trial Protocol: a multiprovincial pragmatic cluster randomised trial of cardiorespiratory management in home care. BMJ open, 9(12), e030301.
Jones, A., Schumacher, C., Bronskill, S. E., Campitelli, M. A., Poss, J. W., Seow, H., & Costa, A. P. (2018). The association between home care visits and same-day emergency department use: a case–crossover study. CMAJ, 190(17), E525-E531.
Jones, A., Bronskill, S. E., Agarwal, G., Seow, H., Feeny, D., & Costa, A. P. (2019). The primary care and other health system use of home care patients: a retrospective cohort analysis. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal, 7(2), E360-E370.