Hearing Your Voices Conference Panel 3: Digital Health: How do we get there together?
As digital health, AI, virtual care, health information and data evolve so must the relationship with patients and their healthcare providers, teams, and the organizations that offer care. Concerns have been raised about equity in accessing digital healthcare and ensuring patients, physicians, and providers are supported to partner in care together. This panel explored the challenges and barriers and offered insight and expertise for drivers and solutions.

Hearing Your Voices Conference Panel 1: The power of lived experience
Hear from patient partners who share their lived experiences and offer their suggestions on what makes a compassionate digitally enabled healthcare system.
Hearing Your Voices Conference Panel 2: Is technology truly a solution?
Technology is often seen as critical to how health and healthcare evolve. This discussion explored areas where technology may be a good solution, but not the only solution. It also mentions where low-tech options might better serve patients, caregivers, and their healthcare partners.
Hearing Your Voices Conference Panel 4: How do we make it happen?
This panel discussed the support patients and caregivers need to fully engage with digital health technologies; the support providers need and how we prepare them for digital health technologies, and the leadership required to help us realize this future.