Exploring how compassion-centered communication of risk can be applied to self-administered on-line health assessments
Dr. Connie Schumacher, RN, PhD
Award: 2021 Compassion and Technology Fellow
- Communication
- On-line Health Assessment
- Trust
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Brock University
The internet is home to an abundance of self-serve risk tools and assessments, designed to quickly identify health risks and promote engagement in self-care. Health risks, when communicated in the absence of a health provider, can cause anxiety and uncertainty. Connie is exploring communication of risk with a focus on understanding how to best relay messaging of results. She will be piloting a self-serve Check-Up assessment within St. Joseph’s Integrated Comprehensive Care program and evaluating whether the assessment results accompanied with online self-management resources enhance compassionate care. She seeks to understand if risk is communicated in a compassionate, caring manner, and if the resources resonate and align with the identified needs. The goal is to create messaging that is easily understood and provide realistic, actionable strategies for those transitioning to self-care.