News, Events, Partnerships
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AMS Healthcare Announces a Ninth Hannah Chair in the History of Healthcare and Health Equity
AMS Healthcare, along with the J & W Murphy Foundation, is proud to announce the establishment of the Hannah-Roper Chair in the History of Healthcare and Health Equity at Dalhousie University and King’s University College. This ninth Hannah Chair joins a distinguished network of scholars advancing research and education in health professions and history. As…
Latest news & events
AMS Healthcare announces historic first
AMS is pleased to announce the historic appointment of Dr. Darrel Manitowabi as the NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair in the History of Indigenous Health and Indigenous Traditional Medicine for a five year renewable term effective July 1, 2020.
AMS addresses compassion and AI in the age of COVID-19
The AMS Community has championed compassionate care in a technological world for some time, none more important than in the face of today’s pandemic.
The core of compassionate care
I spend many hours every day thinking, writing, and meeting about care. Compassionate care. Equitable care. Person-centered care. Diverse providers of care. Care for diverse populations. How to teach compassionate care. How to teach social justice-oriented care. Whether curriculum can promote reflexive care. How to get faculty members to prioritize person-centered care. How to get…
AMS Healthcare to support project aimed at helping seniors age in place
The vast majority of seniors dread the prospect of living in institutionalized settings and would rather age in place. Trends suggest Canadian seniors are increasingly moving to urban areas, with many choosing to downsize into apartments or condos in order to remain living independently.
Partnership between Joint Centre for Bioethics and AMS Healthcare to shape the future of artificial intelligence in Canada’s health system
Partnership between Joint Centre for Bioethics and AMS Healthcare to shape the future of artificial intelligence in Canada’s health system. A new partnership with AMS Healthcare is supporting the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB) accelerate knowledge and inform practice on ethical artificial intelligence (AI) in health care.
Improving mental health care by fighting poverty
This was the first of a five-part series in The Globe and Mail on modernizing medicare considering lessons from home and abroad. Historically, Canadians embraced medicare as part of an effort to separate personal wealth from individual health. But, in defending our rights to enter hospitals without risking financial ruin, did we swallow a bitter…
We regularly partner with world-class organizations to bring you exceptional offerings in technology and compassionate care as well as in the history of healthcare.
From globally-renowned research institutes and healthcare delivery organizations to leading educational establishments, our partners all seek to improve the state of healthcare by making caring for people its focal point. Together, we offer conferences and events, research funding, scholorships and more.