Compassionate Healthcare Technology

Let's bring more compassion into modern, technology-driven care.

Why this particular focus?

In our healthcare system, technology is advancing with incredible speed and bringing improved outcomes to patients across Canada. Like us, you support these advances, and also know the risks they pose to the human experience. We're issuing a call to healthcare providers, educators, leaders and policymakers across the country: Let's embrace the rapid integration of technology into care while keeping healthcare grounded in its compassionate purpose.

If your work bridges the gap between technology and compassionate care, you could benefit from our grants, fellowships, and a network of health leaders across the country.


People at the forefront of this work

Dr. Mala Joneja

Queen's University

The AMS Fellowship is a step that can make all the difference. My AMS Fellowship gave me the opportunity to put the spotlight on compassion whenever I was speaking to learners, educators, colleagues and patients. It gave my passion a legitimate home and introduced me to a community of like-minded people.

Babak Taati

2020 Compassion and Technology Fellow

2020 Compassion and Technology Fellow, Babak Taati, moves away from the laboratory and towards the development and deployment of intelligent systems in the home setting.

Laura Desveaux

2020 Compassion and Technology Fellow

AMS 2020 Fellow, Laura Desveaux, “I’m grateful that AMS sees the value in supporting my research to create a vision for the future of compassionate digital care.”

Dr. Jay Shaw

2018 Fellow

“I’m thrilled to partner with AMS to study responsible innovation and artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. Responsible innovation encourages us to engage a wide range of stakeholders to understand technology’s implications, including any unintended consequences.”

Featured projects and resources

Healthcare robots and the good life

Dr. Aimmee van Wynsberghe explains why ethics are necessary in robotic design and production, and argues that they can be used to inspire innovation instead of curtailing it. This inspiring talk will help you understand the intersection of ethics and robotic technologies. It’s appropriate for beginners and experts alike.

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14 resources on artificial intelligence, ethics, and governance

Gathered by AMS fellow Dr. Jay Shaw, these 14 articles offer a rich overview of the issues arising from the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, including the management of big data.

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Designing healthcare services for excellence and empathy

Check out the slides from Professor Elizabeth Teisberg’s 2019 AMS talk that explored how healthcare can achieve better value for money.

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Our partnerships

Partnerships are central to our work in compassionate healthcare technology. They allow us to provide grants, support important international gatherings, and raise the profile of this critical field.

We accomplish more together.

Get Started

Our grants and fellowships can support your projects and help you access valuable networks.