2024 AMS History of Healthcare Program Awards Announcement

AMS Healthcare is proud to announce the fourteen distinguished recipients of our 2024 research grants, doctoral research, and fellowship awards. These individuals join a growing community of over 66 historians who have been recognized since the program’s inception in 2015. Through these awards—Post-Doctoral Fellowship Awards ($45,000), Doctoral Research Awards ($25,000), and Project Grants (up to $20,000)—AMS Healthcare aims to promote the scholarship and teaching of healthcare history while fostering public interest in the evolution of healthcare, disease, and medicine.
This year’s awardees, selected by an expert review panel, are set to deepen the impact of historical healthcare research in Canada and beyond. Their work will provide valuable insights and lessons that will shape the future of Canadian healthcare.
Since the 1970s, AMS Healthcare, in collaboration with various partners, has been instrumental in advancing the study of the History of Healthcare in Canada. Today, AMS remains the primary supporter of this important field, working to broaden the scope of research, increase public engagement, and enhance the way the history of healthcare is taught and understood. We offer funding opportunities for researchers, healthcare professionals, and students to ensure the continued growth and relevance of this field.
Applications for the 2025 awards will open on January 8, 2025, with over $400,000 in funding available. Learn more about the program here

Vincent Auffrey
Doctoral Research Grant
University of Toronto

Catherine Carstairs
Project Grant
University of Guelph
Juicy knowledge: User-generated information about steroids, 1970-2000s

Andrea Ens
Post Doctoral Fellowship
University of Saskatchewan
‘Healing’ through harm: Examining affect in North American conversion therapies from 1910 to 2000

Emily B. Kaliel
Doctoral Research Grant
University of Guelph

Fiona L. Kenney
Doctoral Research Grant
McGill University

Nikolai Krementsov
Project Grant
University of Toronto

Kevin Siena
Project Grant
Trent University
Disease, formativity, and the early science of heredity: Medical students debating race, 1785-1840

Kira Smith
Post Doctoral Fellowship
University of Ottawa
Childhood madness: Compassionate portraits of children in Canadian insane asylums, 1880-1930

Alex Souchen
Project Grant
University of Guelph

Andrea Tone
Project Grant
McGill University
Dangerous beauty: The history and health hazards of the US cosmetics industry

Erich Weidenhammer and Elizabeth Neswald
Project Grant
University of Toronto and Brock University
Collecting the artificial body: Surveying the material culture of prosthetic artifact

Elizabeth Neswald and Erich Weidenhammer
Project Grant
Brock University and University of Toronto
Collecting the artificial body: Surveying the material culture of prosthetic artifact

Whitney Wood and Jennifer Fraser
Project Grant
Vancouver Island University
Hyperemesis histories: Patient and policy perspectives in twentieth and twenty-first century Canada