2020 History of Medicine and Healthcare Postdoctoral Fellows and Doctoral Completion Awardees
AMS is very pleased to announce our 2020 History of Medicine and Healthcare Postdoctoral Fellows and Doctoral Completion Awardees. These six talented scholars will assist Canadians in understanding our rich medical history by studying, analyzing and interpreting past practices, philosophies and epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and disease. Their work also acts as a great source of lessons that could positively shape Canadian healthcare of the future. AMS is pleased to be Canada's main source of support for the history of medicine working to elevate its standing in the academic community and beyond. Today, the study of the history of medicine and healthcare is thriving across our country.
Ceilidh Auger-Day
Martin Beaulieu
Matthew Davidson
Eric Story
Maia Woolner
AMS History of Medicine and Healthcare Funding
AMS provides funding directly, through partnerships, or via organizations that administer the application process. Our goal is to raise interest in the topic, broaden the scope of research, and shape how the subject is taught. Funding is available to researchers, healthcare professionals, and students.
This grant is for candidates embarking on full-time post-doctoral studies. It supports emerging scholars as they begin or complete projects featuring the study, analysis, and interpretation of past practices, philosophies, and/or epistemologies related to human health, healthcare, and/or disease or the education of health professionals. Two annual awards of $45,000 plus a $2,500 research and travel allowance. Applications will reopen in Spring 2021
This award is for candidates writing a dissertation full-time on a history of medicine or healthcare topic in the humanities or social sciences. Two awards of $25,000 annually. Applications will reopen in Spring 2021
This funding supports small-budget proposals for research projects in the history of medicine and allied disciplines, such as science and technology studies, sociology, anthropology, and classics. Up to 10,000.00 for one year. Applications will reopen in Spring 2021.
These 4 grants of 5,500.00 annually supports research in the area of the impact of technology on the practice of medicine and the delivery of healthcare services. The project may form part of an honours thesis, MA thesis, major research paper, or an elective project. Applications will reopen in Fall of 2021. You can learn more here.