AMS Healthcare Board of Directors Marks a Momentous Occasion

June 12, 2024

The recent AGM of AMS Healthcare marked a momentous occasion filled with heartfelt farewells, new beginnings, and a vision for the future. As we bid adieu to two instrumental Directors, we also welcomed fresh faces and celebrated a new Board Chair, all set to champion our mission.

A Heartfelt Farewell and New Leadership

Bonnie Adamson, a longtime Board Member and the outgoing Chair, transitions to the role of Past Board Chair. She will work closely with Incoming Chair, Will Falk, to navigate the organization through the exciting terrain of our new strategic plan. Reflecting on the current wave of opportunities, Adamson expressed optimism: “The current explosion of new opportunities for AMS is right at the hands of the Board and leadership, which is very encouraging.”  (Read Bonnie’s full speech here.)

We also bid a fond farewell to Dr. Sarita Verma and William (Bill) McDonnell.

Sarita’s exceptional contributions to the AMS Healthcare board have been invaluable. Her unique expertise in law, family medicine, and global health has brought profound insights and visionary guidance to our initiatives.

Bill was our steadfast Chair of the Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee. His pivotal role saw AMS through the tumultuous pandemic years and helped maximize our funding endowment returns. His dedication has left our finances in stellar shape, and he will be deeply missed.

Welcoming New Visionaries

In our constant pursuit of excellence, we are thrilled to announce the appointments of Dr. Andrew Bond and Dr. Catherine Carstairs to our Board.

Dr. Bond brings a wealth of knowledge in health systems innovation and a keen focus on equitable healthcare delivery. His expertise will be crucial in advancing AMS Healthcare's mission to create a compassionate and technology-driven healthcare system.

Dr. Carstairs offers a profound understanding of the social determinants of health and historical health inequalities. Her insights will bolster AMS Healthcare’s efforts to foster a compassionate and inclusive healthcare environment, as well as support our role as the primary funder of the History of Healthcare in Canada.

Looking Ahead

As we embrace this new chapter, we extend our hearty congratulations to all our new and continuing Board members. Together, we will drive Canadian healthcare forward, helping to shape an innovative future with reflections from its past.